Twitter Accounts I Like

John Shuttleworth

John Shuttleworth (aka Graham Fellows) is a comedian, I love his style of comedy, he writes songs about everyday life, one of my favourites being Two Margarines which talks about the nightmare scenario of when you have two margarines in the fridge one open and one that hasn’t been opened and you accidentally open the new one, thus having two margarines on the go 😀


Accidental Partridge

This account posts when someone (usually in the media) says or does something like Alan Partridge without realising it.


Mr Roger Quimbly

In his twiiter bio it reads “Fridge magnate” I like Roger Quimbly’s dry humour.


Matt Lucas HQ

Matt Lucas is great, a very funny man, his “Good Morning” posts in which he posts clips of old TV shows are a nice start to my day.



Shows clips from The Fast Show, that always bring a smile to my face.


People Selling Mirrors

A bit of a weird one (in a good way) the account posts images of people selling mirrors on Facebook.


Naval Ravikant is like a wise old sage in a young person’s body.


Quotes from Naval Ravikant.


Sir Michael

This account always makes me smile, he infiltrates WhatsApp group chats, and to humorous effect, the time he Managed to make a nice profit in the group chat today post is very clever.


March 18, 2024